Awards and evaluation

Evaluation criteria

As a participant in this contest, you can evaluate other contributions along the following dimensions. When submitting an idea, keep these criteria in mind to ensure that the contribution suits what fischertechnik is seeking.

  • Attractiveness to the user: Would users (children between the ages of five and twelve) like to have the toy?
  • WOW effect: Are you blown away by this submission?

Furthermore, the fischertechnik Coaches will pay special attention to and evaluate the ideas along the following criteria:

  • Innovativeness: How new is the idea?
  • Feasibility: Can your idea be implemented within the current fischertechnik system?
  • Market potential: Does your idea have the potential to become a commercial success?
  • Submission clarity: Is the elaboration of your idea intuitively self-evident?



You are wondering what’s in it for you. We will award the following prizes to the submitters of the ten best ideas and an MVP.


1st place

€ 1,000


2nd place

€ 700


3rd place

€ 500


4th - 10th place

€ 100


Most valuable participant (MVP): 100 €

MVPs are community members who add the most value to the challenge - helpful comments, great and diverse ideas, or some kind of extraordinary commitment. The aim of awarding an MVP is to foster co-creation and collaboration within this contest.



During the contest, the Coaches will evaluate the contributions and give you feedback to improve your submissions.

  • Hartmut Knecht
  • Jonathan Auer
  • Jochen Kaupp



After the end of the submission phase, the jury members listed below will select the ideas that they like the most.

  • Hartmut Knecht, Head of development, fischertechnik
  • Jasmin Reich, Product management, fischertechnik
  • Marc Schrag, Head of sales, fischertechnik
  • Julian Kübler, Spielwaren-Fachhändler, E+E Spielwaren GmbH
  • Kaspar Haslimann, PCT Marketing AG
  • Gerd Schwarz, Managing director, HYVE